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Pengalaman Invest di Akseleran
Setelah mencoba beberapa P2P Lending di Indonesia, saya amaze dengan performa P2P Akseleran ini. Mungkin awalnya banyak yang meremehkan P2P satu ini, tapi setelah mencoba P2P ini lebih dari 6 Bulan di 2018 dan memetik beberapa return-nya, saya bisa mengatakan pendatang baru ini sangat bagus dan puas dengan performa-nya

IMO yang bagus dari Akseleran:
1. Applikasi Mobile mereka saat ini (Jan 2019) menurut saya adalah applikasi P2P lending dengan UI/UX paling bagus di Indonesia. UX yang smooth dan mudah-nya membaca Informasi keuangan di apps mereka membuat saya pengen mantengin apps-nya terus hha..
2. Saat ini, Return mereka diatas rata-rata P2P di Indonesia, Bunga di Akseleran itu 18%++. Dimana kalo diliat di Koinworks, Modalku, Investree itu susah banget dapet yang 18%. Kompetitor mereka ada dibawah angka tsb
3. Return atau Dana Pokok dibagikan per Bulan. Skema ini so far paling konsisten hanya ada di Akseleran, dengan skema ini kita bisa putar lagi dana yang didapat. Dibanding kompetitornya yang kebanyakan dana dan retrun itu dibagikan di akhir tenor.

Bagi yang mau mencoba investasi di Akseleran dan mendapat dana awal Rp100.000
Bisa mencoba referral code Akseleran yakni:


Lumayan anda dapat Rp100rb yang bisa digunakan utk investasi dan saya dapat 0.05% dari investasi anda :D

Happy Investing!

In order to prove our sticker request for LINE Creators Market, Brembi&Friends have to explains that submitted sticker titled "Kyuti the Cat” is came from same author: Abraham Munthe with a colobaroration with Irmalia Sutanto. So that other images that have similarity with Brembi&Friends design is belonging to author. We declare that "Kyuti the cat" character is an original character that never published in any platform or inspired from any character before. 

Thus we make this announcement in order to meet requirement for LINE Creators Market.

Here we attach,the sketch or the Lineart of the sticker:
In order to prove our sticker request for LINE Creators Market, Brembi&Friends have to explains that submitted sticker titled "Mei Chibi - Keep Moving” is came from same author: Abraham Munthe. So that other images that have similarity with Brembi&Friends design is belonging to author. We declare that "Mei Chibi" character is an original character that never published in any platform or inspired from any character before. 

Thus we make this announcement in order to meet requirement for LINE Creators Market.

Here we attach,the sketch or the Lineart of the sticker:

In order to prove our sticker request for LINE Creators Market, Brembi&Friends have to explains that submitted sticker titled "Plesetan Budah dan Sayur Animated” is came from same author: Abraham Munthe. So that other images that have similarity with Brembi&Friends design is belonging to author. We declare that "Plesetan Budah dan Sayur Animated" stickers are original sticker sets that never published in any platform or inspired from any character before. This sticker also were made based on original photograph
Thus we make this announcement in order to meet requirement for LINE Creators Market.

Here the sticker that we have been submited:
And Below are the original photograph that are used to make stickers above. All the Image below are originally taken by Abraham Munthe:
 Sticker One/ (Mango):
Sticker Two (Onion):

Sticker Number Three (Jengkol/Archidendron pauciflorum)

Sticker Number Four/Main Image (Pineapple)

Sticker Number Five / Tab Image (Melon)

Sticker Number Six (cantaloupe)

Sticker Number Seven (Pear)

 Sticker Number Eight (bark -fruits)